Album Walkthrough: Glitoris break down their new live LP, The Slut Power Sessions

3 November 2020 | 9:00 pm | Hayden Davies
Originally Appeared In

Recorded at Canberra institution The Basement back in June, the group detail the heaviness of their live show in their new album..

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Glitoris have long been a cult-favourite within the Australian rock scene - including a favourite of yours truly - but honestly, how couldn't you love them? Since their emergence back around 2016, the Canberra-based four-piece have exploded into one of the country's most eclectic groups, notorious for making hard-hitting punk-rock that isn't afraid to grapple with socio-political themes way beyond what you'd usually expect.

Take their debut album The Policy, for example. Released back in 2018, Glitoris' 13-track debut album was a ruckus-inducing explosion that well and truly introduced Glitoris and what they stand for, bringing political punk-rock to the masses. It was a "no-holds-barred attack on the state of politics today and gender equality that demands some serious headbanging," as we said when we premiered the record, and that rings true with everything they've released since then; their 2020 single Slut Power being a call-to-arms on violence against women, for example.

However, the place that Glitoris shines the most is on the live stage, and anyone who has been graced with a live performance by the group could testify that. It's where their vicious punk energy truly comes to life, moving with heightened energy as they tap into the anger and frustration that undermines a lot of their work and focuses it on making their live show an unforgettable experience, let alone one you're likely to learn from (as well as have a good time at).

It's something showcased on their latest release The Slut Power Sessions, a seven-track live album recorded at Canberra live music institution The Basement back in June, as a part of their return to the live stage for a homecoming show following the easing of COVID restrictions in the ACT. It's a captivating 25-minutes that draws you in from the get-go and spits you out battered and bruised by its end, bringing their live charm - and energy, of course - in a recorded format, at a time where many are unable to experience the mayhem of live punk music.

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The record is largely centred around their debut album, with several favourites from the record - WarriorsThe PolicyCock Rock and Sex Video - mixed upon their newer work and even a throwback to their debut EP The Disgrace, in the form of the 2016-released Pole. It's a brilliant release that seems to capture Glitoris where they shine best, and with everything going on in the greater world in the time surrounding their album's release, it seems like a great time to re-bump the important messages within the record. 

You can dive into the album below, and underneath that, read a track-by-track dissection of the live album, as Glitoris recount the mania of their live show one song at a time:


Andrew: This is where Keven takes a guitar wank to the face.

Scott: I love how Andrew counts this song in and immediately it begins with the classic punk, 'boom, cha, boom, cha, boom, cha-boom, boom cha' groove split between kick and snare. More layers of the song are progressively and dynamically layered to reinforce the subject material and both subversive and obvious lyrical expression that serves as our [intersectional] feminist punk war cry (declaration rather!).

Keven: This is where I take a guitar wank to the face. There may be some pretty strong all-wave feminist content in there somewhere, but I can't see it through the spatter of the Gilmour-gasm.

Malcolm: We do like to start the set with a bit of Warriors, it's the pull chord on the engine, the set starter. When writing this song I was against the slow guitar wank in the middle of the song and wanted the song as a 'wham bam thank you ma'am' quickie. But it's grown on me and I now enjoy that little bit of foreplay in the middle of the song. Also, an interesting fact, you hear Andrew talking at the start of the song, notice that she has a London accent that’s because she’s a pom. In case you were wondering dick faces, She doesn’t put a fake London accent on to sound more punk, that’s just the way she speaks.


Scott: This delivery of The Policy clearly spells out the Glitoris policy with some unapologetic audacity and then SOME. It's a big song with many anthemic parts, but we'll take you along for the ride in this live version and hold your hand in solidarity (metaphorically and sonically). I count Malcolm into this song and the intro has transformed into becoming a very special moment between us of just Drums and Bass. I love locking in with Malcy at this section and contributing to setting up a powerful entry and foundation to carry the song throughout, especially before Andrew jumps in with lead notes over the top and 3-part vox harmonies melt your face off.

Malcolm: Yep, that’s the live version of the Policy, it's played a bit faster and feisty than the album version, I like it.

Keven: I can’t say I’ve heard the live tracks recently cos I can’t find them. I assume we played this one as righteously as we usually do. I do love to wail in this song; it gets me right down in my gurty.

Andrew: This is probably the best we’ve ever played this song live. It just clicked that night. We were all fired up and ready to bring it.


Andrew: I really hope this is the last time we play this song. We wanted to drop it a couple of years back, but fans are like ‘ehhHHH what about Trump?’ What about Trump? I hope he goes to jail. We wrote this song as a joke and look what happened.

Scott: Seconding Andrew ^ above. This was one of the first Glitoris tracks I learnt on Drums and I've since realised, through live shows, exactly how much of a staple and fan favourite it is!

Malcolm: I like to replace at least one ‘whatever’ with a ‘vagina’ when we are singing the “there’s blood coming out of her eyes out of her whatever” part live. I was very happy when I heard it in the mix. Listen out for the rogue Vagina in this song; I hope you find it.

Keven: I wouldn’t be surprised if Malcolm used her she-pee on stage that night, considering the way she was knocking back those G&Ts


Keven: Andrew gets a little bit opinionated in this song. Definitely not the boss’s favourite.

Andrew: This is by far a better version than the original. This live version is faster and more punchy and has way more energy. The ending is more metal now with Scotty’s double-kicks. It’s definitely more of a live track.

Malcolm: Good old slutty slut, has gotten better with age. Scotty’s really put her stamp on it and take it to the next level. I love how sassier the song is in this live version, especially in the “because you’re worth it” parts.

Scott: There are a lot more crash and bish bash at the end of this track as well as intensified ferocity conveyed in the live delivery in general of this one. Also being the title track for this ep and our recent tour (that didn't survive 2020's wrath), Slut Power has become an expected Glitoris anthem at live shows. As a result, we thereby HAVE to step up to the plate to give her the passion she deserves and I think we absolutely bring the fire and essence alive on this one.


Scott: Well, I roll up my sleeves in the midsection of this song in a very noble fashion to deliver a classic rock Drum solo that endeavours to live up to the hype of being the 'velocity of the entire Universe'. We go big in this one for such a big request, (going home wasn't an option), with BDE ('Big Dick Energy') or BVE ('Big Vulva Energy'). After climaxing, I remember all eyes on me after such a bold, big boi display and count the fellas back into slam and send the song home.

Keven: We’re definitely surrounded by HEAPS of space junk like, right now IRL. I got new 9V batteries for my boombox, so I’m sweet.

Malcolm: This is my fav, fuck I LOVE playing this song live! Glitoris in their cock rocket saving the world from space junk, really wants not to love, it's just absurd. This version has the drum solo that the album was missing, thanks to our Scotty the fucking legend.

Andrew: This is my favourite track off this LP cos of Scotty’s drum solo, which is the velocity of the entire universe, obvs. Hear her unfurl on those toms…


Keven: You can’t unsee it. Or, visit PornHub and see it over and over.

Malcolm: Well, that's a bit fast, fat, and punk as fuck always a good one to play live. I love a song with a good wholesome moral storyline.

Scott: There's no happy ending for this song, but hopefully the punk rock rhythms add a jive (and mosh) to your step, for some very brief few minutes at least (in expected punk rock style).

Andrew: Bit unfortunate this one. Best left unresolved.


Malcolm: This gig was a fuck load of fun, and this song captures how fun it was. We are in that sweet spot of the set where we are relaxed and comfortable but not too loose. We have just the right amount of messiness and acceleration to pull this song off (pun intended). I remember feeling very high on music and probably gin, playing this song and feeling pretty fortunate to be in this band and having so much fun!

Scott: Playing this song live captures a very intimate storytelling moment between Keven and the audience during its entry (literally too because Kev was down to her cute bra & panties at this moment!). Hearing this on the live EP transports me back to playing this live and the exact moment between Malcolm, Andrew and I sitting back, positioning towards the back area of the stage, while Kev was doing her share and telling an unexpected 'bedtime story (side note, we were coordinating playing our instruments while also cheerily toasting the evening with some gin at this point).

Andrew: This is from our first EP and one of my favourite Glitoris songs to play live. It’s just fucking wack, all of it. It’s musically maniacal, which is why it’s so fun to play. It was the encore, so we may have consumed a few gin and tonics by this point. This is on the record because it’s what makes Glitoris Glitoris. The Policy and Slut are all anthemic and probably the fan favourites, but it’s the ironic, absurd stuff that makes us us.

Keven: The ironical thing about all this is that I am now in fact a pole dancer.

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