BIGSOUND 2018 Artist Focus ARSE

4 September 2018 | 6:01 pm | Artist Submission

Get to know your BIGSOUND artists.

Answered by: Daniel Cunningham - Guitar & Vocals

Give us a short description of your music: Fast weird shit from Sydney. Crisis music for people in crisis.

Which acts are on your must-see list at BIGSOUND? We've been flogging them a bit already but that East Brunswick All Girls Choir record is primo. Teddywaddy seems like the realisation of something huge. Can't wait to see it live.

In your career to date, what have been the key watershed moments? An indie label in Germany called ETT asked us if they could put our record out in Europe. On vinyl! It was exciting because the response to our music in Sydney is for people to just cross their arms. We also played next to an aqueduct once.

If you could give your younger self, starting out as a musician, a few words of wisdom, what would they be? Wait long by the river and the bodies of your enemies will float by.

Why should people come and see you among the many amazing bands at BIGSOUND? Because if no one came to see us we would probably just go home. But if like, ten people came to see us we'd play for our fucken lives. Jon's bass moves are also worth a look in.

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What industry lessons would you like to take away from the BIGSOUND conference? Anything we can apply to our record label. The ideal takeaway is to have met some great people who are in the business for the right reasons. We're all ears for them.

What do you identify as the most pressing issue impacting the Australian music industry at present? Risk aversion. DIY folks with no money are pushing all the artistic diversity in this country because there's nowhere for diverse artists to go. Too many homogenous festivals. Everyone wants to crack it overseas now. I reckon you've got a pressing issue when good artists don't want to work here.

What music trends do you think are dominating right now, and do you have any predictions for the coming year? Guitar bands playing out their alcoholic bogan fantasies seems pretty on trend. My prediction is that everyone will get haircuts when they realise their bourgeois mullets are fucking shite. Barnsey had a mullet but at least he was in Cold Chisel and could afford rehab.

When and where is your BIGSOUND showcase? We're playing the loudest room in the valley. The Zoo! September 4 and 5, look alive.