It's out this Friday 26 May, along with some launch shows to celebrate..
Melbourne folk artist Leah Senior's second album, Pretty Faces, is due this coming Friday 26 May, and we are incredibly excited to share with you an exclusive stream a few days early. It's an engrossing release, 10 tracks delicate, dark folk music that grabs you from the first gentle guitar pluck, and refuses to let go across a swirling world that ebbs and flows, all pinned down down to some kind of ethereal reality by Senior's incredible voice. It's released on King Gizzard's own Flightless label, and was recorded and produced with King Gizz's Joey Walker. It also features musicians Jesse Williams (keyboard/electric guitar), Andi Senior (vocals), Joe Walker (therovox), Michael Cavanagh (drums), Alex Bleakly (bass) and Vince Ward (cello).
Drink it in slowly and contemplatively below, and then catch her on the Pretty Faces east coast launch tour - dates down the bottom.
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Fri 26 May - The Loft, Warrnambool
Fri 9 Jun - Korova Lounge, Ballarat
Sat 17 Jun - The Toff, Melbourne
Sat 24 Jun - Golden Age, Sydney
Thu 29 Jun - The End, Brisbane
Fri 7 Jul - Bello Winter Festival, Bellingen
Follow Leah Senior: FACEBOOK
Southcombe Park, Port Fairy, VIC