Have You Heard: Royal Chant

13 August 2014 | 5:33 pm | Staff Writer

Fast, fuzzed, slanted, slurred.

More Royal Chant More Royal Chant

Answered by: Mark Spence

How did you get together?
Through a very haphazard mix of necessity amd the fine art of poaching, really. Both James Carthew (originally bass, now on guitar) and Ryan Stuart (bass) were not allowed to say no.

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Fast, fuzzed, slanted, slurred.

If you could support any band in the world – past or present – who would it be?
Idlewild. I don’t think those Scottish lads have ever made it Down Under, and that’s a real shame.

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You’re being sent into space, no iPod, you can bring one album, what would it be?
Trolling through my library now... Let’s go with Highway 61 Revisited – Bob Dylan. Desolation Row is good for a few lightyears all by itself.

Greatest rock’n’roll moment of your career to date?
Opening for You Am I at Manly Fishos. A hot, sweaty, swirling mass of people in love with the music, and luckily some of their love was directed at us. We needed that gig in every way possible.

Why should people come and see your band?
‘Cause they’re not making music like ours these days. A great melody and a cheap distortion pedal get you everywhere.

Website link for more info? royalchant.com