Melbourne Guitar Show Focus: RACKETT

31 July 2018 | 10:53 am | Artist Submission


Answered by: Kat Ayala

What was the best piece of advice you were given when you first started learning guitar? "Keep at it and you'll get it eventually." Here I am, still keeping at it, and trying to get it eventually! Hahaha

What's your fave guitar/amp/pedal set-up? I'm loving my current set-up: Honeytea Waterfall > TU-2 > Volume > (NS-2) > Whammy > Sick As > Hoof > Bubbletron > (NS-2) > Tonal Recall > Immerse > 1958x. *Plus a Quartz for Midi and BPM control.

If you could jam with one person, who would it be and why? I'd jam with Astrid Holz all day, every day. She's my favourite musician and favourite person.

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If money wasn't an issue, what guitar would you buy and why? Hmmm... I've got a gorgeous custom hollow body by Honeytea & Maplewood, and an American Deluxe Telecaster. So I'd get something totally different, like a custom Strandberg!

When and where can we catch you at the Melbourne Guitar Show? 4 Aug, AON Whammy Bar stage, 3.45pm.

Website for more info?