Which act made you want to pick up the guitar and why? AC/DC.
What's your preferred guitar and amp set up? Acoustic guitar by David Churchill in Ballarat. Electric-wise, my mutant slide strat copy into an Almach Custom 20 will do nicely.
What are you going to talk about/play at the Festival? I'm taking part in a concert where the focus is slide guitar playing, so I'll be bringing a few of my various slide instruments and playing a mixture of my own songs and a few traditional songs that feature slide.
Are you planning to catch any of the other performances or workshops? If so, what are you hoping to get out of it? I'm happy to be sharing the bill with my friends Dom Turner and Fiona Boyes so I'm naturally looking forward to seeing them play, as well as us all getting the chance to play a few numbers together.
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What advice would you give to a beginner guitarist attending the Festival? Enjoy the music first and foremost, the things you like tend to stay with you.
If you could play with any performer, who would it be and why? Living or dead? It'd be great to get to sit across from Django Reinhardt and hear that sound coming straight from him. Or to maybe play a long sweaty gig with Hound Dog Taylor & The Houserockers.
When and where can we catch you at the Festival? 26 Aug, Factory Theatre.
Southcombe Park, Port Fairy, VIC