Confetti Western Rides Again!

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14 March 2025 starting 9:30 am

How much?

From: $13.3


Yeehaw! Confetti Western has come to show the good people of the Last Chance Rock and Roll bar how to put the hoot in hootenanny! Those wild westerners have been working real hard on some fresh new songs from all the EDM genres you know and love. Acid House? Yep! Dark House? You betcha! Two-bathrooms-in-a-bedroom House? Woo-hoo!

Confetti Western are pleased to announce that two darn rootin tootin artists will joining them on this momentous occasion: Sansonus and Jacqui Lumsden.

Hitch up your skirts, rattle those snakes and put on your best bolo tie because CONFETTI WESTERN RIDES AGAIN!

Special Guests:

Sansonus and Jacqui Lumsden.