Les Claypool Is Selling One Of His Touring Basses On eBay

5 August 2014 | 2:44 pm | Staff Writer

It could be the best >$50,000 you ever spend

More Primus More Primus

Primus bassist Les Claypool has put up for auction a one-of-a-kind maple Pachyderm bass given to him at the end of 2012 and only played on tour for specific songs throughout 2013.

The auction — hosted via eBay — is one of several being orchestrated by Claypool as part of a fund-raising drive for kids' charity Jacob's Heart, which is dedicated to improving the quality of life for children with cancer and providing support to their families.

This bass in particular, with its distinct body shape and sublimely intricate patterning, has netted an eye-watering current bid of $50,599, a figure reached after about six hours on the market, from a starting price of $5,000.

"This particular bass ... was delivered to me on December 29th, 2012," Claypool wrote on the auction page. "I’ve always found that maple instruments have a very forward attack and this bass is one punchy bastard. The bottom end is solid yet has a knocking hollowness to it when the low E is struck with the thumb. The upper pluck is bright and when playing pizzicato the notes leap off the fretboard. This bass is a fog cutter of an instrument with it’s forward punch and growly finish.

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"I used this bass on specific songs that needed a bit more edge during the Primus tours in March in Mexico, May - June in the US and June in Alaska of 2013. With its gorgeous birds' eye patterned maple and dark chocolate marbled cocobolo wood pick guard, this is our first blonde bass to be offered to the public."

Unfortunately, that doesn't include the Australian public — the winner of the auction must be based in the United States. Sorry to get your hopes up like that, if you had a spare $51,000 to drop on a slightly used bass guitar.