Review: ★★★ Becky Lucas: Cute Funny Smart Sexy Beautiful (MICF)

10 April 2018 | 12:46 pm | Joe Dolan

"The comedian is exceptionally funny when she hits the mark, but the peaks are too few and far between for a wholly satisfying solo show."

Becky Lucas

Becky Lucas

More Becky Lucas More Becky Lucas

Sometimes comedy shows have a point, and other times the point is that they don't have a point. The danger zone in this is when the latter does not feel intentional, that the show is just floating around trying to find itself. For Becky Lucas and Cute Funny Smart Sexy Beautiful, this dilemma arises quickly.

While Lucas' comedy is intrinsically divisive, here it just feels underdeveloped in comparison to her previous offerings. There are a hearty number of laughs throughout, but they're bobbing in an aimless hour of disjointed observations. When a joke falls flat, Lucas seems overly surprised at the occurrence, causing the comic to stumble and lose her place. This is not a problem in of itself, but the Sydney-based stand-up prides herself on being self-assured, so to watch her also be self-conscious on stage is more confusing than empathetic.

Cute Funny Smart Sexy Beautiful hits multiple blocks of stasis over Lucas' time on stage, but her jarring and uncensored comedic style can complement this at times. The comedian is exceptionally funny when she hits the mark, but the peaks are too few and far between for a wholly satisfying solo show. Her comments on polyamory and sharehouses are hilarious, but when Lucas ends her show on a random aside, the audience are genuinely surprised that it's over.

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Becky Lucas presents Cute Funny Smart Sexy Beautiful until 22 Apr at Melbourne Town Hall, part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival