"On sheer range and volume of content alone, Demi Lardner's I Love Skeleton has something for just about everyone."
Demi Lardner
On sheer range and volume of content alone, Demi Lardner's I Love Skeleton has something for just about everyone. It must be said that her random, absurdist style has a particularly millennial appeal that might at times leave older audience members scratching their heads. But even with this passing confusion, they'll still definitely enjoy Lardner's madcap shenanigans (even if they don't know why).
Those wishing to abstain from audience participation best look elsewhere for their comedic fix, however, as the show begins with Lardner literally climbing over the crowd to get to the stage. From there, the 2017 MICF Director's Choice Award and RAW Comedy winner goes from strength to crazy strength, showering the audience in a barrage of off-kilter comedy gold. Half the audience have no idea what's going to happen next, while the other half have resigned themselves to that fact well before they got into the theatre.
Even when a number of technical issues momentarily derail the show, Lardner is in top form and keeps the crowd thoroughly entertained while trying to fix the problems. Of course, it's hard to argue that the show had any rail traction to begin with, but that is in no way a bad thing. Comedy is, at its core, an exercise in the unexpected, and Lardner is a master of surreal surprise.
I Love Skeleton is a cavalcade of riotous ridiculousness. Be willing to suspend all preconceptions of stand-up before experiencing Lardner's unique style, and be ready to come out of it both confused and sore with laughter.
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Demi Lardner presents I Love Skeleton until 22 Apr at Victoria Hotel. Part of the 2018 Melbourne International Comedy Festival.