Album Review: John Congleton & The Nighty Nite - Until The Horror Goes

13 April 2016 | 11:39 am | Tara Johnston

"Layered electronics, guitar, honking horns and light distortion are set to rather quirky vocals."

John Congleton is a quiet achiever, producing high profile albums for St Vincent, Angel Olsen, Something For Kate and the latest from Explosions in the Sky. All beautiful, strong albums.

His own LP leans more towards the absurdist, and "challenging" end of the spectrum. Layered electronics, guitar, honking horns and light distortion are set to rather quirky vocals. On Who Could You Love Lucille? there is a hint of that kooky beauty of Yoshimi-era Flaming Lips with a more anthemic soundscape. Congleton is a genius producer working across genres and styles, but his own music is very likely intended to be a bit more difficult to digest.

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