Live Review: The Avalanches, Grandmaster Flash

6 January 2017 | 12:25 pm | Cassie Warriner

"...welcomed with unified stomping and ear-piercing screams."

The Avalanches. Pics by Angela Padovan

The Avalanches. Pics by Angela Padovan

More The Avalanches More The Avalanches

Enmore Theatre was packed to capacity as The Avalanches attracted a sold-out crowd of baby boomers, youngsters and everyone in between to their first Sydney show in over ten years.

Hip hop pioneer Grandmaster Flash kicked off the night with an astonishing variety of tunes from all decades, using his powerful voice and stage presence to zap the audience into action. "If you know the lyrics to a song," he screamed, "promise me you'll sing it loudly out of key." The crowd joyfully obliged. With bodies moving, heat building and heart rates rising, the crowd applauded Grandmaster Flash.

With the yellows, pinks and reds of the Wildflower flag draped across the entirety of the stage's back wall, The Avalanches crew arrived on stage to a roaring crowd singing along to 2016's Because I'm Me: "...Just put on my best/Pair of shoes...

Jonti Danilewitz (guitar) and Tony Di Blasi (keys and turntable) are posted up on opposite sides of the stage accompanied by drummer Paris Jeffree and two extremely energetic and vibrant lead singers (Eliza Wolfgramm and Spank Rock). With captivating elegance, Wolfgramm circled Spank Rock through each rap verse as the crowd followed her lead on the sing-along chorus of Frankie Sinatra.

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Transitions between tunes, both old and new, mirrored the complex nature of the Wildflower album. Subways moved into the '70s-style groove of If I Was A Folkstar, accompanied by captivating cartoon visuals featuring pop-culture icons and The Avalanches' music videos. Not wishing to neglect the classics from 2000's Since I Left You, the crew soon delivered an untarnished performance of Frontier Psychiatrist, much to the delight of the masses. Through the course of the show nine faces circled onstage (not including the overexcited 'imposter' from the crowd that jumped up during Colours before being respectfully guided back off the stage).

A three-song encore was warmly welcomed with unified stomping and ear-piercing screams. Finally, the onstage team assembled together, swayed and waved goodbye as the final notes of Since I Left You echoed throughout the Enmore. A beautiful performance from such talented entertainers and a true testament to the enduring nature of The Avalanches' unique and individual style.