Watching Girls - Together, Episode Ten, Season Two

21 March 2013 | 9:22 am | Cassandra Fumi

Hannah’s hit rock bottom, she’s turned her apartment into a cave and is stuck making hypochondriacal Google searches.

This Week On GIRLS? Lena Dunham and Judd Apatow wrote the Season Two finale together and it's aptly named Together. Hannah's hit rock bottom, she's turned her apartment into a cave and is stuck making hypochondriacal Google searches. Marnie reveals to Charlie that she loves him (cheeks are damp); seeing the pair together for the first time since earlier in S1 seems really right and we're rooting for them. Shoshanna confess to Ray that sometimes she loves him like she loves a monkey in a cage and breaks it off. Ray balks and storms out, his cardboard cutout of Andy Kaufman tucked under his arm. Hannah decides to cut her own hair into an uber cool pixie crop (come on – what girl in their 20s hasn't done that?). Hannah calls Adam who sees her distress and runs to her and says he was always there, Fun.'s song Sight Of The Sun takes us out. It's a strange choice. However, Dunham is dating Fun.'s lead guitarist, Jack Antonoff – so perhaps she is just showing us who she's 'together' with.

Girl Talk Of The Week? Shoshanna to Ray: “Can you please get out of me?” [they are having lacklustre sex]

Girl On Top? This week it's too hard too make anyone on top. Girl on the bottom is definitely Jessa though, as she misses the whole ep.

Shirtless Adam Watch? Adam runs through the streets of New York while talking to Hannah on FaceTime in one of those oh so romantic TV moments and, yep, he's shirtless.

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What Did We Learn? Ray never finished his Ph.D in Latin Studies.

Season Fin (tear)

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