Watching Girls - It's Back, Episode Eight, Season Two

5 March 2013 | 1:18 pm | Cassandra Fumi

Tonight’s ep reveals Hannah’s past of OCD (a mental health issue Lena Dunham was diagnosed with as a child).

This Week On Girls? Tonight's ep reveals Hannah's past of OCD (a mental health issue Lena Dunham was diagnosed with as a child). Adam is back in full flight: he attends AA and offers to bring cookies as his contribution (not nice ones though, as he's not a fan). There he opens up about his painful breakup with Hannah. The honesty of his speech touches a fellow attendee, who sets him up with her daughter Natalia (Shiri Appleby). Marnie discovers that Charlie has basically become “a bourgeois nightmare” due to the success of Forbid, an iPhone app he created. The 11 members of his office even do a Harlem Shake. Shoshanna disregards her moral compass and makes out with a doorman at the party of her Snooki look-alike friend Radhika, who makes Ray want to throw up. Hannah begs a psychiatrist, played by Bob Balaban, to tell her concerned parents she is okay, but she is clearly rattled (eight times over). [Always good to see ex-Freaks & Geeks mum Becky Ann Baker reprise her role as Hannah's mum.]

Girl Talk Of The Week: “You're never going to look this good again. The clay is dry. Okay, you can't dress like a magician's assistant for very much longer.” Ray to Marnie.

Shirtless Adam Watch? Adam rolls over in bed and consumes off milk (rock bottom); this leads to him attending AA, and guess what? He's topless.

Girl On Top? Marnie, as she is finally honest enough to herself and Ray about her true dream to sing. Honourable mention: Shoshanna for making out with the doorman and throwing her predictability to the wind.

What We Learnt: That slogan t-shirts are still fashionable in AA: Adam's group leader dons the slogan “too many freaks, not enough circuses”.

Screening every Monday night, 8.30pm, Showcase

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