Mark Hebblewhite has been a contributor to The Music since its inception and has also written for Kerrang, Rolling Stone, MTV Screen, Drum Media and 3D World.
Mark covers all things loud and obnoxious whether it be from the worlds of metal, punk/hardcore or old school hip hop (although in his old age he'll also go a bit of proggy dad rock).
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Based on this super tight and powerful performance, Ice Cube isn’t ready to relinquish his crown.
With sold-out shows across the country, hardcore is clearly in demand in Australia. Here’s hoping tour packages like this keep happening with great regularity.
Sydney's SPEED have taken over hardcore with the mission statement: 'Is this good for Australian hardcore?' Their debut LP offers a resounding 'yes.'
The economics of touring is getting tougher in the current climate, but bills like this not only make it viable to bring international bands out but also leave punters feeling very satisfied.
The band didn’t miss a step all evening, making some pretty complex material seem effortless and ethereal.
There are very few reliable things in life – but the Descendents’ ability to put on a flawless show should be considered one of them.
"Even though KISS are now bonafide senior citizens, they retained a power and vitality that was truly jaw dropping."
For a band this established to be this vital so far into their career is pretty damn remarkable.
Guitar legend Steve Vai might be the master of fretboard histrionics, but in talking to The Music about his highly anticipated national tour, Mark Hebblewhite quickly found out that, above all, he’s one of rock n roll’s nicest guys.
"Bad Religion may have been playing last but judging by the number of Social Distortion shirts in the audience, this was a genuine double-headliner situation."