Comedian Frenchy's rap dissing coward punchers is pretty spot-on hours

11 February 2016 | 12:15 am | Pilerats
Originally Appeared In

Which is probably why it's currently smashing the iTunes charts..

There are some things that need to go viral. This is one of them. Australian comedian Frenchy has teamed up with his buddies Day N Nite to release a hilarious rap about the tendency of some people to prove their masculinity by fighting some unassuming bystander. Whatcha Looking At; the catch-cry of the socially insecure dickhead. We have all seen these idiots on a night out, ruining people’s evenings because they “didn’t get hugged as a child”. Frenchy has a pretty clear view on Sydney’s controversial lock-out laws; “Rather than complaining about how bad it is and how we should absolutely shut everything at midnight to prevent a couple of idiots from starting fights, we decided to point them out and put the whole thing into perspective”. It’s the classic case of a few peanuts ruining everybody else’s fun.

Less then 12 hours after being released, the song hit #9 in the iTunes electronic charts. And while we don't really condone any form of Melbourne bounce, the message in this one is one that deserves sharing:

Follow Frenchy: FACEBOOK / TWITTER 

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