Adalita, Jen Cloher & More Spoof Sexist Guitar Bros In Music Stores In Satirical Skit

11 October 2016 | 10:06 am | Staff Writer

Funny but... oh so true

Adalita, Davey Lane and Kat Spazzy

Adalita, Davey Lane and Kat Spazzy

More Adalita More Adalita

Laura Imbruglia-founded variety show Amateur Hour have created a tongue-in-cheek skit to spoof the often infuriating experience of being a female musician looking to buy music gear, in a satirical clip featuring a veritable who's who of local musicians.

Shot at Carlton's Found Sound, the video features Davey Lane and Kat Spazzy venturing into the music store to look for a guitar for Lane.

He's subjected to shopkeeper Jen Cloher's generalisations of other men ("So, what colour picks were you after? Generally, guys like the pink ones"), Adalita blatantly ignoring him by speaking directly to his girlfriend and then suggesting he go for something "a bit smaller" or cheaper.

It's a light-hearted take on the everyday experiences of women in the music industry who are often stereotyped, undermined and patronised, even after continually asserting what it is they want. 

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After being shown yet another different guitar, Lane finally says, exasperated, "I just… just wanna play that one."

The video features Imbruglia herself as the acoustics shopkeeper, High Tension's Lauren Hammel as the drummer, Little Rebel Collective's Rhia Moulds and more.