How Eyehategod Moved Forward After Joey LaCaze's Death

11 January 2014 | 2:08 pm | Mark Hebblewhite

"We’re going to carry on and do this for Joey," says Jimmy Bower

Eyehategod with Joey LaCaze (far right)

Eyehategod with Joey LaCaze (far right)

More Eyehategod More Eyehategod

It's a miracle Eyehategod have survived 25 years. The band's history mirrors the despair they channel through their unholy brand of sludge metal. Indeed, just last year they lost drummer and founding member Joey LaCaze to respiratory failure. But according to Bower not once did the band think of calling it quits.

“Joey was that kind of dude that knew just how much hard work and blood we've all put into this band,” offers Bowers in his relaxed Southern drawl. “If we even thought about quitting he'd be the first to say 'Dude what the fuck are you all doin'!' Knowing that's what his attitude would be it was really easy for us to just get back into it with our new drummer Aaron [Hill]. We're going to carry on and do this for Joey.”

Eyehategod have recorded a new record due to be released in April. Asked about the particulars Bower is somewhat cagey except to say that while they don't have a name for the record yet the songs “sound good to me – there's some evolution there but overall they are pure Eyehategod songs”.

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